I enjoy sharing my thoughts and approaches to different aspects of product design. Get in touch if you are looking for a design speaker, a guest lecture or anything related to human centred design. 




My persistence and work have been recognized with global accolades, granted scholarships and funding, as well as the world wide media exposure. As part of my interest in the dissemination of design I've given design lectures, talks and workshops at design institutes and universities in Mexico (U.A.E.Mex.  UVM), India (Raffles Millenium International), UK (University of Leeds 2014, Cranfield University 2015 and UCL 2015), at the Disruptive innovation Festival (DIF 2015) in London as well as PechaKucha nights at Milan (2011) and Mexico (2014).

To request a Speaking Engagement or more information about possible workshop sessions follow the Contact section.